Selected Publications by members of the ARG
Miguel Altieri
Habitat Management in Vineyards (pdf)
Designing biodiverse, pest-resilient
vineyards through habitat
management (pdf)
Manipulating vineyard biodiversity for
improved insect pest management (pdf)
Reducing the abundance of leafhoppers and
thrips in a northern
California organic vineyard (pdf)
The Effects of a vegetational corridor on
the abundance and dispersal
of insect biodiversity
A rapid, farmer-friendly agroecological
method to estimate soil quality
and crop health in vineyard systems (pdf)
More articles by Miguel Altieri can be accessed via his website.
Kent Daane
A list of articles by Kent Daane can be viewed at his website.
Publications Related to Vineyard Agroecology
Sustainable Viticulture
Growing Organic Winegrapes Sustainably (pdf)
Soil Ecology and Organic Management
Report: Compost as mulch for vineyards (pdf)
Vineyards Benefit from
Compost and Mulch (pdf)
Earthworm activity and soil structure changes due to organic enrichments in vineyard systems (pdf)
Permanent swards increase soil microbial counts in two Australian vineyards (pdf)
Cover crops: Effects and Management
Cropping in Orchards and Vineyards (pdf)
Crop Selection and Management in Orchards and Vineyards
Cropping Systems for Organically Farmed Vineyards
Crops in Vineyards for Sustainable Soil Management (pdf)
Biological Control of Insect Pests
Selective Food Plants to Maximize Biological Control of Vineyard Pests (pdf)
Spiders in San Joaquin Valley Vineyards Pests, Biters, and IPM Agents (pdf)
Biological Control: A Guide to Beneficial Insects in North America
Cropping in Orchards and Vineyards (pdf)
Within Field Vegetation Management to Increase Natural Enemies
Assessing Naturally Occurring Vineyard Plants
for Enhanced Biocontrol of Pests (pdf)
Influence Of Ground Covers On Vineyard Predators And Leafhoppers (pdf)
Assessing Naturally Occurring Vineyard Plants
for Enhanced Biocontrol of Pests (pdf)
Spider and Leafhopper (Erythroneura spp.) Response to Vineyard Ground Cover (pdf)
of flowering cover crops on Anagrus parasitoids (Hymenoptera:
Mymaridae) and Erythroneura leafhoppers (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) in
New York vineyards (pdf)
Designing biodiverse, pest-resilient
vineyards through habitat
management (pdf)
Weed Management
Weed Management in Organic Vineyards
Effect of Living or Straw Mulch on Weed Management and Soil Quality in Grape Vineyards (pdf)
Management and Soil Quality in Vineyard Agroecosystems (pdf)
the Management of Field Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) and Hedge
Bindweed (Calystegia sepium) With Fungal Pathogens and Cover Crops (pdf)
Biological Control of Weeds in Vineyards (pdf)
Control of Weeds in Vineyards (pdf)
Biological Control of Weeds in Vineyards (pdf)
Organic Farming: Vineyard Weed Management (pdf)
Effects of Landscape Vegetation on Insect Diversity and Abundance
Habitat Diversification Tactic for Improving Biological Control: Parasitism
of the Western Grape Leafhopper (pdf)
Impact of Overwintering Habitat and its Interaction with the Surrounding Landscape (pdf)
Biodiversity Conservation Practices in California Vineyards: Learning from Experiences (pdf)
Vegetation Increases the Abundance of Natural Enemies
in Vineyards (pdf)
Colonization of New York Vineyards by Anagrus spp.
(Hymenoptera: Mymaridae): Overwintering Biology, Within-Vineyard
Distribution of Wasps, and Parasitism of Grape Leafhopper, Erythroneura
spp. (Homoptera: Cicadellidae), Eggs (pdf)
Hedges as
Potential Sources of Typhlodromus Pyri, the Most Important Predatory
Mite in Vineyards of Northern Switzerland (pdf)
vineyard expansion, potential habitat fragmentation (pdf)
of Landscape Diversity and Agricultural Practices on Spider
Assemblage in Italian Vineyards of Langa Astigiana (Northwest Italy) (pdf)
of phytoseiid mites from surrounding
uncultivated areas into a newly planted vineyard (pdf)
Parasitoid Movement from Floral Resources in a Vineyard (pdf)
Enhancing Biodiversity in Vineyards
Perennial Plant List to Increase Biodiversity in Area Vineyards (pdf)